UMP tests for two-sided hypotheses
The (non-) existence of uniformly most powerful (or UMP) tests for two-sided hypotheses is an interesting phenomenon.
Example of existence
First let's look at an example when such a test does exist. This is Problem 3.2 in TSH.
For $i = 1,\dots, n$ let $X\subscript{i}$ be i.i.d. $\mathrm{Uniform}(0,\theta)$ random variables, denote their realizations by lower case $x\subscript{i}$s, and let $X$ denote the vector of the $X\subscript{i}$s. Consider the hypothesis $H : \theta = \theta\subscript{0}$ against the alternative $K : \theta \neq \theta\subscript{0}$.
Denote $x\subscript{(n)} := \max\{x\subscript{1}, \dots, x\subscript{n}\}$. Let $\phi$ be a hypothesis test which rejects $H : \theta = \theta\subscript{0}$ in favor of a two-sided alternative, if either $x\subscript{(n)} \geq \theta\subscript{0}$ or $x\subscript{(n)} < \theta\subscript{0} \sqrt[n]{\alpha}$.
Using the fundamental lemma of Neyman and Pearson, it is straightforward to prove that $\phi$ is UMP. Namely, $\phi$ is a UMP test at level $\alpha$ by Neyman-Pearson, if for any fixed $\theta\subscript{1} \neq \theta\subscript{0}$, the test $\phi$ can be written as
$$\phi(x) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{1}}(x) > k p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x),\\\ 0, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{1}}(x) < k p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x), \end{cases}$$
with a suitable $k$, and if it satisfies
$$\mathrm{E}\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}} \phi(X) = \alpha.$$
We have that
$$\begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \mathrm{E}\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}} \phi(X) &=& P\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}\left(X\subscript{(n)} > \theta\subscript{0}\right) + P\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}\left(X\subscript{(n)} < \theta\subscript{0}\sqrt[n]{\alpha}\right)\\\ &=& 0 + \left(\frac{\theta\subscript{0} \sqrt[n]{\alpha}}{\theta\subscript{0}}\right)^n = \alpha. \nonumber \end{eqnarray}$$
As for the other Neyman-Pearson condition, we have to consider multiple cases:
- If $\theta\subscript{1} > \theta\subscript{0}$, then $k = \left(\frac{\theta\subscript{0}}{\theta\subscript{1}}\right)^n$ yields the desired result.
- If $\theta\subscript{0}\sqrt[n]{\alpha} < \theta\subscript{1} < \theta\subscript{0}$, then $k = \left(\frac{\theta\subscript{0}}{\theta\subscript{1}}\right)^n$ can be used as well.
- If $\theta\subscript{1} < \theta\subscript{0}\sqrt[n]{\alpha} < \theta\subscript{0}$, then $k = 0$.
Example of non-existence
Thus, we saw an example of a UMP test for a two-sided hypothesis.
However, when the underlying distribution comes from an exponential family, then a UMP test does not exist for $H : \theta = \theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $K : \theta \neq \theta\subscript{0}$ (Problem 3.54 in TSH). This follows quite easily from the consideration of UMP tests for the one-sided hypotheses $H\subscript{1} : \theta \leq \theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $K\subscript{1} : \theta > \theta\subscript{0}$, and $H\subscript{2} : \theta \geq \theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $K\subscript{2} : \theta < \theta\subscript{0}$. A detailed proof follows.
According to Theorem 3.4.1 in TSH, a UMP test of $H\subscript{1}$ exists and can be written as
$$\phi\subscript{1}(x) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, T(x) > C\subscript{1},\\\ 0, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, T(x) < C\subscript{1}. \end{cases}$$
Similarly, a UMP test of $H\subscript{2}$ exists and can be written as
$$\phi\subscript{2}(x) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, T(x) < C\subscript{2},\\\ 0, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, T(x) > C\subscript{2}. \end{cases}$$
Clearly, $\phi\subscript{1}$ and $\phi\subscript{2}$ are level-$\alpha$ tests for $H$ vs. $K$ as well.
Let $\phi\subscript{0}$ be a level-$\alpha$ test of $H$ vs. $K$. Fix a $\theta\subscript{1} > \theta\subscript{0}$ and a $\theta\subscript{2} < \theta\subscript{0}$. Assume that
$$\mathrm{E}\subscript{\theta\subscript{i}} \phi\subscript{0}(X) \geq \mathrm{E}\subscript{\theta\subscript{i}} \phi\subscript{i}(X)$$
for $i = 1,2$. Then $\phi\subscript{0}$ is most powerful for testing $\theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $\theta\subscript{1}$ and for testing $\theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $\theta\subscript{2}$. Thus, by the fundamental lemma of Neyman and Pearson the UMP test can be rewritten as
$$ \begin{equation} \phi\subscript{0}(x) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{1}}(x) > k\subscript{1} p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x),\\\ 0, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{1}}(x) < k\subscript{1} p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x), \end{cases} \label{eq1} \end{equation} $$
$$ \begin{equation} \phi\subscript{0}(x) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{2}}(x) > k\subscript{2} p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x),\\\ 0, \quad &\mathrm{if}\, p\subscript{\theta\subscript{2}}(x) < k\subscript{2} p\subscript{\theta\subscript{0}}(x). \end{cases} \label{eq2} \end{equation} $$
Let $x$ be such that $\phi\subscript{0}(x) = 1$. Now, from the monotonicity of the likelihood ratio, it follows that
- if $T(y) > T(x)$ then $\phi\subscript{0}(y) = 1$ (by equation $\eqref{eq1}$),
- if $T(y) < T(x)$ then $\phi\subscript{0}(y) = 1$ (by equation $\eqref{eq2}$).
That is, either $\phi\subscript{0}(y) = 1$ for all $y$ or $\phi\subscript{0}(x) \neq 1$ for all $x$. A contradiction. It follows that $\phi\subscript{0}$ can not be more powerful than $\phi\subscript{1}$ for testing $\theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $\theta\subscript{1}$ and than $\phi\subscript{2}$ for testing $\theta\subscript{0}$ vs. $\theta\subscript{2}$. Thus, a UMP test for $H$ vs. $K$ does not exist.
Even though a UMP test for the two-sided hypothesis considered above does not exist, there exist a UMP unbiased test (i.e. a test that is uniformly most powerful among all unbiased tests). For detail see Section 4.2 in TSH.