The following is a collection of random facts observations I made while reading Lehmann & Romano "Testing Statistical Hypotheses" (3rd ed.) and Lehmann & Casella "Theory of Point Estimation" (2nd ed.), abbr. TSH and TPE. The choice of topics is biased towards application in regression models.
On the notion of unbiasedness of estimators, hypotheses tests, and confidence intervals
Conditional expectation, conditional distribution, sufficiency, decision procedures
An informal summary of Neyman-Pearson and generalizations
Permutation tests
UMP tests for two-sided hypotheses
Least squares estimators are nice! PART 1 (UMVU, MRE, BLUE)
Least squares estimators are nice! PART 2 (consistency, asymptotic normality and efficiency)
UMP invariant tests for linear models
Robustness of hypotheses tests in linear models
Asymptotic tests and confidence regions for linear mixed models
Bootstrap confidence intervals and hypotheses tests for linear mixed models